
Marc Andreessen goes on to identify three types of platforms:

  • Access API - Where data is pulled From a service and reconstituted to create something new or add value to something else (think Flickr, or Google Maps)
  • Plug-in API - Where developers plug their applications directly into the platform (think Facebook, Firefox, or, well, Google Maps again (Mapplets))
  • Runtime Environment - like a plug-in API but Where code is executed directly on the platform, and the “platform itself handles everything required to run your application on your behalf” (think Andreessen’s own Ning, Second Life, or Salesforce.com)



If the entire web is a platform, why would a developer choose to cede control over his app by locking himself into a single, third-party platform? The answer is that these platforms give developers access to something they can’t easily build themselves – such as users, data, or development tools. The more open the platform, though, and the more in control the developer remains, I think the more attractive they will be to application creators.




“Lots and lots of people have opinions about platforms.”



原文链接:Platforms on the Web are Platforms on a Platform